To paraphrase Dickens, it was the worst of times; it was the best of times. We spent five weeks away from home and from my office.
On July 31st, we left in a rush for Green Bay, Wisconsin, after we received
a phone call telling us that my husband's dear sister was in hospice care. Sadly, she died of cancer on August 24th at the young age of 62.
Then, the day after her burial, we attended Jerry's nephew's beautiful wedding in Bailey's Harbor, Wisconsin.
Many of the guests had attended both a funeral and a wedding for people they love dearly within a two day span of time.
Talk about lows and highs. Words cannot describe how emotional it really was.
Here's a picture of Jerry and me at the wedding.
On July 31st, we left in a rush for Green Bay, Wisconsin, after we received
a phone call telling us that my husband's dear sister was in hospice care. Sadly, she died of cancer on August 24th at the young age of 62.
Then, the day after her burial, we attended Jerry's nephew's beautiful wedding in Bailey's Harbor, Wisconsin.
Many of the guests had attended both a funeral and a wedding for people they love dearly within a two day span of time.
Talk about lows and highs. Words cannot describe how emotional it really was.
Here's a picture of Jerry and me at the wedding.
Now, I'm back in Texas and catching up on my writing and my housework. School is in session, and students and teachers are hard at work once again. I still miss the excitement of the first few weeks of school, and the process of getting acquainted with new students and their parents.
I wrote about a Getting to Know You Activities Packet in an earlier blog post. Click here to read that post or click here to download it. It will give you and your students 4 or 5 days of activities for the first days of school.
And here's a free product you can use to teach your students about transitive and intransitive verbs. Click here to download it absolutely free.
I hope you are as happy to be back at work as I am.